All the latest in October 2021! Stay up-to-date on events, competitions, and updates from our gym!

New Kids in The Box
Congratulations to our athletes who recently competed in New Kids in the Box… you guys crushed it!
Upcoming Legion Sports Fest (October 23-24) The West Coast’s Largest Fitness Event Expect to see incredible action from a variety of 9 different fitness-related sports. Imagine watching warriors in medieval armor fighting with swords and axes at the Armored Combat Sports Championship. Athletes will also be performing incredible feats of strength. The Strongman competitions will have athletes lifting up actual cars! Powerlifting athletes will be performing lifts of over 600 pounds! Come support our Elite competitors in multiple competitions at the event! Elite will also be an exhibitor at the show all weekend long… learn more and buy tickets at

Most Dedicated Athlete
Most Dedicated Athlete of the Month starts this October. Check back next month to see who won!
Other Updates From Our Gym: -Next fundraiser BBQ is Friday Oct 29! All proceeds support our competitive athletes. -Our Competition Boxing Team is getting ramped up. Ask Coach Jarred, Jj, or Melinda for details! -Competition CrossFit class is taking over Olympic lifting Saturdays 8:15am-9:30am. See coach Ian, JB or Nikki for details! -And stay tuned for Elite sweats and sweatshirts as the cold weather comes in!

1.) With everything going on I know you haven’t competed much lately. Are you excited to get back out on the competition floor this month? Does is make you more nervous or excited being in front of our home crowd and members from the gym?
— Although I did compete in May in California, it’s actually been years since I’ve done anything around here, so I’d say I’m definitely more excited when it comes to that aspect and I look forward to it.
2.) Do you think the hours you put in coaching every week also helps you be a better athlete?
— I think it has its advantages, for sure. Everything from watching others approach the workouts and their strategy, because I can learn from them, as just being in the gym and moving around, demoing, stuff like that. It helps when I’m pretty beat up and stiff, hahah.
3.) With both coaches and athletes competing in the Stimulus Unknown, are you more excited to be there as a coach or an athlete?
— Sounds cliche, but both. It’s cool when it’s one way or the other, so with both it should be a good time. I’m excited for those guys and girls to get out there and see what they can do. For myself, I’ll be ready and good to go.

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