Elite Body Work
Devine Full Body

Exercise is not the only component of fitness. Exercise only works in the long term if athletes back up their training with mobility and injury prevention. Body work is a necessary component of any fitness routine, whether you are working to prevent sports injuries or just improve your overall mobility, strength, and fitness.
Our program focuses on body work, myofascial, IASTM, cupping, manual therapy (mobilizations), strengthening, stabilization, and mobility. We cater to YOUR needs - we are a concierge service that is available as you need it!
You choose how often you need therapy. Maybe you only need to drop in once or twice a month for general maintenance and guidance. Or maybe you are treating a specific injury that needs attention multiple times a week. We are here to support you in the treatment of acute, sub acute, or chronic injuries (maybe you recently sprained your ankle, or maybe you have been dealing with back pain for years).
Get ready to receive therapy customized to YOU, YOUR body, and YOUR schedule!
Member Pricing:
$80 - One hour
$45 - Half hour

Ellen Devine
Ellen is a licensed physical therapist with her Doctorate Degree and over 10 and 1/2 years experience. Ellen is IASTM certified with a heavy manual therapy background. Licensed and insured.